Description: This folder contains datasets, organised by bat species, based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset is based on a study commissioned by Bat Conservation Ireland which analysed all Irish bat records available between 2000 and 2009 and made predictions on which areas are most attractive to bats and where bats are most vulnerable.</abstract>
Description: This folder contains datasets, compiled or commissioned by Local Authorities, which identify unique natural or cultural habitats or ecosystems at a localised level.
Description: <abstract>A survey of habitat types of old and historical walls in parts of Kilkenny County is displayed here. The rich biodiversity associated with stone walls should be of considerable interest to those that seek to protect and enhance Kilkenny’s rich built and natural heritage, especially local Tidy Towns and other community groups.</abstract>
<purpose>For protection and conservation awareness of stone walls and their associated ecosystems in County Kilkenny.</purpose>
Description: This folder contains datasets, compiled or commissioned by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Local Authorities, which identify a variety of coastland habitats, ecosystems and environments including sea-cliffs, estuaries and sand-dunes.
Description: <abstract>This NPWS dataset is the first systematic survey dedicated to exploring the vegetation composition, vegetation structure and conservation status of sea cliffs in Ireland on a national basis. It builds on the research into sea cliff vegetation and survey methodologies reported in previous studies on the habitat (MERC/EirEco 2009, Browne 2005). The research carried out here will provide baseline data for use in habitat studies in the future and provides a starting point for a comprehensive vegetation classification of cliffs from the splash zone at the cliff base to the top of the cliff. In addition, the findings of this study will be used in reporting on the conservation status of Irish Sea cliffs to the European Commission under section 17 of the Habitats Directive.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This NPWS dataset shows sandbanks in Irish coastal waters. Sandbanks in Irish waters comprises distinct banks (i.e. elongated, rounded or irregular ‘mound’ shapes) that may arise from horizontal or sloping plains of sediment that ranges from gravel to fine sand. They are primarily composed of sandy sediments permanently covered by water, at depths of less than 20 m below chart datum (though the banks may extend to water depths greater than 20 m). The diversity and types of community associated with this habitat are determined particularly by sediment type together with a variety of other physical, chemical and hydrographical factors. These include geographical location (influencing water temperature), the relative exposure of the coast, topographical structure of the habitat, and differences in the depth, turbidity and salinity of the surrounding water.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset displays intertidal mudflats and sandflats that are submerged at high tide and exposed at low tide and are normally associated with inlets, estuaries or shallow bays. The physical structure of these intertidal flats ranges from mobile, coarse-sand beaches on wave exposed coasts to stable, fine-sediment mudflats in estuaries and other marine inlets.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This NPWS dataset shows shallow bays and inlets which are indentations of the coastline that have no freshwater input or only a low level, i.e., small streams and/or local rainfall runoff. They experience coastal salinities (+30S) continuously. Average water depth is c. 30 metres with at least half of the inlet/bay shallower than 30 metres. Their linear lengths exceed 2km and the length to width ratio is generally greater than 2:1. The levels of exposure to wave action vary from sheltered through semi-exposed to exposed. This is reflected in the sediment type with mud or sandy mud occurring in the sheltered sites to mixed sediments on semi-exposed sites to coarser sediments in exposed sites. The inner parts of some large inlets may be estuarine where the innermost area is strongly influenced by freshwater and are considered as the Annex I habitat Estuary, but the rest of the area is not. The variation in sediment types is reflected in the organic carbon content and numbers of species with maximum biological diversity in softer sediments and lowest diversity occurring in coarse material. Large shallow inlets and bays are a physiographic unit that hosts a great variety of habitats including, the Annex I habitats of the Directive, reefs and mudflats and sandflats not covered by seawater at all times. The sediment habitats and their communities within large shallow inlets are very varied reflecting the broad sediment types. Large shallow inlets and bays are located on all parts of the coastline.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This NPWS dataset shows estuaries which occur as coastal embayments that come under the influence of a large river. At low water, there can be extensive areas of mudflats or sandflats. Typically, estuaries are long narrow seaward parts of river valleys, e.g., the Barrow, the Nore, the Blackwater, while areas where the river enters the sea directly with no inlet being present are not considered as an estuary habitat. Estuarine sediments are typically soft muds with a shallow redox depth due to the sheltered nature of the system and the large freshwater inputs.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This NPWS dataset identifies Irish Coastal Lagoons. The Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) identifies coastal lagoons as a high priority for conservation. Coastal lagoons are defined as expanses of shallow coastal salt water, of varying salinity or water volume, wholly or partially separated from the sea by sand banks or shingle, or, less frequently, by rocks. Salinity may vary from brackish water to hyper-salinity depending on rainfall, evaporation and through the addition of fresh sea water from storms, temporary flooding by the sea in winter or tidal exchange.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This NPWS dataset shows the results of the Shingle Beach Survey, The aim of which was to carry out an inventory of shingle areas of conservation on the Irish coast and to record data relating to the rare species and vegetation of the same. Shingle as a habitat is defined for the purposes of The National Shingle Beach Survey as areas of coastal beaches, above the MHWM, rich in stones of approximately 2mm to 250mm in diameter which have been worked by the sea, giving them a rounded or smoothed shape.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This project, carried out on behalf of the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), is designed to meet Ireland’s obligation under Article 17 of the EU Habitats Directive, in relation to reporting on the conservation status of Annex I sand dune habitats in Ireland. The following habitats were assessed: Annual vegetation of driftlines, Perennial vegetation of stony banks, Embryonic shifting dunes, Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria, Fixed coastal dunes with herbaceous vegetation (grey dunes), Decalcified fixed dunes with Empetrum nigrum, Atlantic decalcified fixed dunes (Calluno-Ulicetea), Dunes with Salix repens ssp. argentea (Salicion arenariea), Humid dune slacks, Machairs.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset collates information relating to habitats along the Meath coastline, Ireland's second shortest coastline at 21km.</abstract>
<purpose>To generate baseline information to inform Meath County Council’s land use decisions and activities for coastal areas.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Collation of information relating to habitats along the Wicklow coastline.</abstract>
<purpose>To generate baseline information to inform Wicklow County Councils land use decisions and activities for coastal areas.</purpose>
Description: This folder contains datasets, compiled or commissioned by Local Authorities and the National Parks and Wildlife Service, created as part of wetland and watercourse surveys to identify a variety of freshwater habitats.
Description: <abstract>This dataset features Turloughs. Turloughs are topographic depressions in karst which are predominantly flooded by groundwater on an annual basis. Key characteristics of turloughs include a dynamic flooding regime, lack of surface outflow and substrate and/or ecological communities characteristic of wetlands. In general terms, turloughs are flooded to maximum levels between October and April and are often dry during the remainder of the year. Turloughs contribute to Irish biodiversity by providing both aquatic and terrestrial habitats within an often intensively managed landscape. The greatest global density of this habitat is found in the western third of Ireland and they are recognised nationally and internationally for their conservation value.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>Created as a survey of wetlands in County Cavan, and from this, to establish sites of high importance in need of protection.</abstract>
<purpose>To offer protection to the wetland resource within the County through the County Development Plan process.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of Drainage Ditches in County Clare as part of the Wetlands Survey for environmental awareness, legislation, conservation and planning purposes.</abstract>
<purpose>For protection and conservation awareness of drainage ditches in County Clare Wetland sites.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Assessment of habitats in County Clare to aid in planning decisions concerning provision for food and clean water supplies, opportunities for waste disposal, nutrient recycling, coastal protection, flood storage and regulation, among others.</abstract>
<purpose>To promote Conservation, Protection, Education and Environmental Awareness of these resources, to further best practice in farming, and to better inform planning decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of wetland springs in County Clare for environmental awareness, legislation, conservation and planning purposes.</abstract>
<purpose>For protection and conservation awareness of County Clare wetland springs.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of any sizeable wetland habitats in County Clare for environmental awareness, legislation, conservation and planning purposes.</abstract>
<purpose>For protection and conservation awareness of County Clare Wetland sites.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the Watercourses in and around the Blarney urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the Watercourses in the Blarney area. To aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the Watercourses in and around the Midleton urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the Watercourses in the Midleton area. To aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Surveys identified and mapped wetland areas in County Kildare.</abstract>
<purpose>To identify and map the wetland areas of County Kildare to aid in preservation and decision making processes.</purpose>
<external> &</external>
Description: <abstract>A survey of Drainage Ditches in County Kilkenny for environmental awareness, legislation, conservation and planning purposes.</abstract>
<purpose>For protection and conservation awareness of drainage ditches in County Kilkenny.</purpose>
<external> &</external>
Description: <abstract>A survey of wetlands and coastal habitats in the county.</abstract>
<purpose>The purpose of the survey was to determine and map the type, extent and condition of wetlands and coastal habitats in the county.</purpose>
<external> &</external>
Description: <abstract>This survey of Freshwater Habitats in County Monaghan was undertaken as part of a larger survey that aims to collate all wetland and habitat information for the county into one database system.</abstract>
<purpose>A survey of freshwater habitats that will be used to record and encourage biodiversity conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of habitats to encourage biodiversity conservation.</abstract>
<purpose>To collate all the wetland survey information for County Monaghan into one database system. This dataset is a subset of this.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of the Wetlands of County Sligo undertaken for the County Development Plan.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform development management, conservation and tourism infrastructure decisions in County Mayo in order to ensure wetland sites are identified, valued and conserved.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Survey of 21 wetland sites in Waterford County. They are described, evaluated and mapped, and damage or threats are noted.</abstract>
<purpose>To survey 21 wetland sites in Waterford County. They were described, evaluated and mapped in order to inform planning decisions and aid conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract> GIS polygon data layer of wetland habitats in 492 sites in County Westmeath. Habitats likely to be present in each polygon are indicated according to the Guide to Habitats in Ireland and the Habitats Directive. Conservation value and threats are detailed. Habitat data and extent are derived from compilation of previous surveys.</abstract>
Description: <abstract> GIS multipolygon data layer of 492 wetland sites in County Westmeath. Site conservation value and a short description are provided. The dataset derives from a compilation of previous surveys.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>A survey of wetlands and coastal habitats in the county.</abstract>
<purpose>The purpose of the survey was to determine and map the type, extent and condition of wetlands and coastal habitats in the county.</purpose>
Description: This folder contains datasets, compiled or commissioned by Local Authorities, which identify a variety of grassland and/or marsh environments.
Description: <abstract>This dataset displays parkland areas with Dublin city that may be used for recreational use.</abstract>
<purpose>The purpose of the survey was to determine and map the type, extent and condition of green areas in Dublin City to inform planning decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This dataset displays parkland and green areas with Dublin city that may be used for recreational use.</abstract>
<purpose>The purpose of the survey was to determine and map the type, extent and condition of green areas and parklands in Dublin City to inform planning decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Areas with potential for biodiversity enhancement. These are locations where nature can be combined with other activities such as farming, quarrying, forestry and recreation.</abstract>
<purpose>To identify land suitable for biodiversity enhancement activities.</purpose>
Name: South Tipperary Eutrophic Tall Herb Community
Display Field: DESCRIPTIO
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: <abstract>This dataset outlines Euthropic Tall Herb communities in wetland areas of south county Tipperary.</abstract>
<purpose>The purpose of the survey was to survey and record the Euthropic Tall Herb communities in wetland areas of South County Tipperary.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This dataset contains information on primary and secondary amenity areas in south county Tipperary.</abstract>
<purpose>The purpose of the survey was to record and map the amenity and recreational resources of County Tipperary.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Survey of vegetation associated with cliff mines and copper mine spoil heaps west of Bunmahon.</abstract>
<purpose>To identify rare vegetation types associated with abandoned mines</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern Ireland. The research focused on identifying grassland habitats that are a priority within the Northern Ireland biodiversity strategy and also those identified as being of particular importance within Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive. The research methodology used well established survey techniques to identify high nature conservation value grasslands from high incidence study areas throughout Northern Ireland.</abstract>
Description: This folder contains datasets, compiled or commissioned by Local Authorities, which identify habitats composed largely of heath and/or dense bracken.
Description: <abstract>This dataset records information on the extent, species composition, structure and condition of a representative sample of Monaghan hedgerows.</abstract>
<purpose>To record information on the extent, species composition, structure and condition of a representative sample of Monaghan hedgerows and to determine the ecological and cultural value of these hedgerows and improve decision-making.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>The heathland database was mapped using evidence gathered from on the ground reconnaissance surveys, ortho-photography survey and existing knowledge of sites of high quality. The geographical coverage of the survey concentrated on areas of known dry heath habitats concentrated in south-eastern areas of Northern Ireland and on Rathlin Island.</abstract>
Description: This folder contains datasets, compiled or commissioned by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Local Authorities, which identify a variety of bog, fen and peatland habitats.
Description: <abstract>Between 1987 and 1991 seven surveys of blanket bog in different regions of the Republic of Ireland were undertaken by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.</abstract>
<purpose>The main purpose of these surveys was to assess the extent, composition and condition of blanket bog sites, with a view to identifying the best areas for conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This dataset displays information gathered by the NPWS as part of the National Fen Survey.</abstract>
<purpose>The data gathered on fen sites from the National Fen Survey of Ireland will be used to select conservation worthy fen areas, namely Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), Natural Heritage Areas (NHA) and sites of local conservation value. The data will also be used as a baseline for a future national monitoring programme.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This survey of Fen Habitats in County Monaghan was undertaken as part of a larger Wetland Survey that aims to collate all wetland information for the county into one database system.</abstract>
<purpose>A survey of Fen Habitats that will be used to record and encourage biodiversity conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This survey of Fen Bog Deposits in County Monaghan was undertaken as part of a larger Wetland Survey that aims to collate all wetland information for the county into one database system.</abstract>
<purpose>A survey of Fen Bog Deposits that will be used to record and encourage biodiversity conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This survey of Peatlands in County Monaghan was undertaken as part of a larger survey that aims to collate all wetland and habitat information for the county into one database system.</abstract>
<purpose>A survey of peatland habitats that will be used to record and encourage biodiversity conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern Ireland. The research focused on identifying fens in Counties Down and Armagh where the incidence of inter-drumlin fens is high. These fens are particularly important within Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive. The most extensive and diverse priority Lowland Fens and Reedbeds have also been identified in county Tyrone through surveys by HST. This only represents a partial dataset and does not include the complete priority Lowland Fen and Reedbed resource in Northern Ireland. Where point data only is available for older fen surveys across Northern Ireland, further mapping is required to provide a fuller representation of all priority fen communities in Counties Fermanagh, Derry/Londonderry and Antrim. Upland Flushes, Fens and Swamps are largely unrecorded.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>The Northern Ireland Peatland map layer displays information from the NI Peatland Survey (1988) which mapped peatland vegetation at 1:20,000 scale for the whole of Northern Ireland derived from the interpretation of 1970s and 1980s aerial photographs.</abstract>
Description: This folder contains datasets, compiled or commissioned by the National Parks and Wildlife Service and Local Authorities, which identify a variety of forest, woodland and hedgerow environments.
Description: <abstract>This NPWS dataset constitutes the main output from the Ancient and long-established Woodland Inventory 2010. A total of 481 woodland sites were digitised and the following categories were set up: Possible ancient woodland (PAW) stands have been continuously wooded since 1660 (after additional research some PAW stands were upgraded to ancient woodland (AW) status). Long-established woodlands (LEW) have been continuously wooded since 1830 (there are two sub-categories, LEW (I) stands for which no evidence of antiquity could be found in older documentation, and LEW (II) stands for which there is evidence that the site is not ancient. In addition, the stand type on the OS maps was determined. The categories used were semi-natural broadleaf (SNB), mixed woodland (MW), conifer plantation (CP), non-native broadleaf (NNB) and recent clearfell (RC). Further attributes include the sitename, name of county, parish and townland as well as general ownership information.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>Created to map this high value amenity within Cavan County to ensure public awareness of these areas and to ensure that they are protected appropriately.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform the public of this resource and to enable policies to protect the same.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Created as a tool to aid planners in development management and forward planning.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform planning policy and development management.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Created as a tool to aid planners in development management and forward planning.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform planning policy and development management.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Ancient woodland refers to those woodlands that have had a continuous history of cover since before the period when planting and afforestation became common practice. Cork’s ancient woodlands have been identified in this dataset with the aim of informing planning decisions to ensure preservation where possible of this valuable amenity and resource.</abstract>
<purpose>Identify available resources, develop a protocol for the identification of ancient woodland and to initialise a National Ancient and Long-established Woodland Inventory. Aims to aid preservation of these sites by informing planning process decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of Hedgerows in and around the Blarney urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the diversity within Hedgerows in the Blarney area. To aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of Hedgerows in and around the Midleton urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the diversity within Hedgerows in the Midleton area. To aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of all surviving hedgerows in Dublin City. The survey revealed there are 19.6km of intact hedgerows in the City.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform planning and developmental decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Kilkenny County Council has undertaken surveys of hedgerows in a number of settlements around the county (Kilkenny City, Gowran, Fiddown, Piltown, Johnstown, Urlingford, Ballyragget, Ballyhale, Mooncoin, and Knocktopher), as part of Habitat and Green Infrastructure Assessments.</abstract>
<purpose>To record information on the extent, species composition, structure and condition of a representative sample of Kilkenny hedgerows and to determine the ecological and cultural value of these hedgerows and improve decision-making.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of a representative sample of Hedgerows in County Mayo undertaken in 2007.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform planning development policy and conservation decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This survey of Forests in County Monaghan was undertaken as part of a larger survey that aims to collate all wetland and habitat information for the county into one database system.</abstract>
<purpose>A survey of forests that will be used to record and encourage biodiversity conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This dataset records information on the extent, species composition, structure and condition of a representative sample of Monaghan hedgerows.</abstract>
<purpose>To record information on the extent, species composition, structure and condition of a representative sample of Monaghan hedgerows and to determine the ecological and cultural value of these hedgerows and improve decision-making.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This survey of Native Woodlands in County Monaghan was undertaken as part of a larger survey that aims to collate all wetland and habitat information for the county into one database system.</abstract>
<purpose>A survey of native woodlands that will be used to record and encourage biodiversity conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This dataset records information on the extent, species composition, structure and condition of a representative sample of Monaghan treelines.</abstract>
<purpose>To record information on the extent, species composition, structure and condition of a representative sample of Monaghan treelines and to determine the ecological and cultural value of these treelines and improve decision-making.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This survey of woodland scrub areas in County Monaghan was undertaken as part of a larger survey that aims to collate all wetland and habitat information for the county into one database system.</abstract>
<purpose>A survey of woodland scrub areas that will be used to record and encourage biodiversity conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This Woodland Inventory incorporates evidence collected from a series of research contracts let to identify and survey areas of woodland of high nature conservation value. This data represents NIEA surveys and may not represent the entire extent of habitat or species across Northern Ireland. Research projects focused on identifying woodlands across Northern Ireland with more targeted surveys undertaken in AONBs, County Fermanagh and Lagan Valley Regional Park where the incidence of woodlands is high. The most extensive and diverse priority woodlands have been identified through these surveys by NIEA Conservation Science Habitat Survey Team (HST), and have been further surveyed. Only those woodlands of particular importance within Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive have been identified by the HST. This only represents a partial dataset and does not include the complete priority woodland resource in Northern Ireland. Where point data only is available for older woodland surveys, further mapping is required to provide a fuller representation of all priority woodlands across Northern Ireland. The Ancient Woodland Inventory has identified small blocks of woodland which may be considered as long-established or ancient woodland, but the priority woodland communities frequently extend beyond those areas mapped as ancient woodland and these must also be included as priority woodland when considering planning applications. A comprehensive survey of semi-natural woodlands in County Fermanagh provides a fairly comprehensive list of priority woodlands in this county.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>Created as a tool to aid planners in development management and forward planning.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform planning policy and development management.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Assessment of habitats in County Clare to aid in planning decisions concerning provision for food and clean water supplies, opportunities for waste disposal, nutrient recycling, coastal protection, flood storage and regulation, among others.</abstract>
<purpose>To promote Conservation, Protection, Education and Environmental Awareness of these resources, to further best practice in farming, and to better inform planning decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in and around the Blarney urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats in the Blarney area. To aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in and around the Carrigaline urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats in the Carrigaline area. To aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in and around the Midleton urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats in the Midleton area. To aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in and around the Ballymun urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats in the Ballymun area, to aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in and around the Dodder urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats in the Dodder area, to aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in and around the Liberties urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats in the Liberties area, to aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in and around the Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown urban environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats in the Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown area, to aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of the Habitats in Fingal.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform Conservation, Habitat Management and Planning decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This project included detailed habitat mapping and classification of all the habitats in the city, based on the Heritage Council classification scheme.</abstract>
<purpose>Areas of high local biodiversity value were identified and delineated with management recommendations to ensure their conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in the Galway County environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats in the Galway county area, to aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in the Bearna, Galway County environment.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats in the Bearna area of Galway county, to aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This survey was undertaken because urban habitats are sometimes viewed as being less important than rural habitats, however urban settlements are often located near biodiversity hotspots, such as along rivers or on the coast. In urban areas, artificial habitats such as parks and water features also support wildlife, and this can be enhanced through improved wildlife friendly management.</abstract>
<purpose>To survey urban habitats within County Kerry as their importance as riverine and coastal habitats is often overlooked, and to promote educational and environmental awareness of these habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An urban habitat developed for recreational and educational purposes in and around the Town Park in Listowel.</abstract>
<purpose>To create urban habitats within the town boundaries of Listowel for the purposes of raising environmental awareness, education, recreation and research.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>To identify and map habitats to Fossitt Level II within the featured urban areas in County Kildare.</abstract>
<purpose>The resource purpose was to identify habitats in a townland setting in order to aid in their protection and to inform planning decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>An assessment of the various Habitat types in and around various urban environments in Co. Kilkenny.</abstract>
<purpose>To create a record of the variety of habitats to aid in informing planning decisions and preservation of specific habitats.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>Habitat mapping of selected towns and villages in County Mayo.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform planning and conservation policy and habitat management.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of habitats to encourage biodiversity conservation.</abstract>
<purpose>To collate all the habitats survey information for County Monaghan.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of habitats in Ardfinnan in County Tipperary.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform Conservation, Habitat Management and Planning decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of habitats in Golden in County Tipperary.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform Conservation, Habitat Management and Planning decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>A survey of habitats on parts of the River Suir in County Tipperary.</abstract>
<purpose>To inform Conservation, Habitat Management and Planning decisions.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This dataset maps the finding, recording and mapping of Swift nesting sites which facilitates focused efforts to get local communities and residents involved in the monitoring but more so in the protection of Swift breeding colonies and nest sites. To allow follow up measures and community projects to promote the findings of the report and empower local communities to take ownership of,
and responsibility for, their local Swift populations.
<purpose>To provide a detailed survey of Swifts in towns and villages across Co. Tipperary to establish a picture of the distribution of nesting Swifts in the county. The data collected will allow planners and decision makers to effectively manage Swifts at site level, helping to conserve this important part of Tipperary’s urban heritage.
Description: <abstract>This dataset identifies and classifies biodiversity and habitats around the area of Dungarvan.</abstract>
<purpose>To identify and classify biodiversity and habitats around the area of Dungarvan in order to inform planning decisions and aid conservation.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This dataset identifies and classifies biodiversity and habitats around the area of Tramore.</abstract>
<purpose>To identify and classify biodiversity and habitats around the area of Tramore in order to inform planning decisions and aid conservation.</purpose>
Name: BirdWatch Ireland - Sensitivity for Wind Energy
Display Field: SSS
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: <abstract>BirdWatch Ireland has produced a map layer as a tool to aid planning and bird conservation in relation to Wind Energy. This project aimed to give a measured spatial indication of where protected birds are likely to be sensitive to wind energy developments. Climate change threatens the species and habitats we value in Ireland and the services these provide. Wind energy, as part of a sustainable energy mix in Ireland, can help to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and so reduce our climate impact. However, we also have obligations under European Law to ensure that the expansion of this relatively new energy (including actual turbines and associated infrastructure) does not impact on our protected habitats and species. Legal action has already been taken against Ireland for failing to adequately protect wild birds and the habitats they rely on, which led to the production of the Group Species Actions Plans by BirdWatch Ireland in 2011. A key recommendation of these reports was a necessity for better land-use planning using spatial tools. This recommendation, in line with similar initiatives worldwide, has resulted in the development and roll out of the Bird Sensitivity Mapping for Wind Energy Development project.</abstract>
Description: <abstract>This dataset displays information on forestry in Ireland and was created by the Forestry Service of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.</abstract>
<purpose>To produce reliable and up-to-date forest cover statistics and related spatial data for carbon accounting for the Kyoto agreement and the need for spatial data related to environmental modelling and monitoring under the Water Framework directive.</purpose>
Description: <abstract>This dataset displays information on Coillte-operated forestry in Ireland and was created by the Forestry Service of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.</abstract>
<purpose>To produce a dataset of forested areas operated by Coillte in Ireland.</purpose>