| 111 Continuous urban fabric |
| 112 Discontinuous urban fabric |
| 121 Industrial or commercial units |
| 122 Road and rail networks |
| 123 Sea ports |
| 124 Airports |
| 131 Mineral extraction sites |
| 132 Dump |
| 133 Construction sites |
| 141 Green urban sites |
| 142 Sport and leisure facilities |
| 211 Non-irrigated land |
| 231 Pastures |
| 242 Complex cultivation patterns |
| 243 Principally agric, areas natural veg. |
| 311 Broad-leaved forest |
| 312 Coniferous forest |
| 313 Mixed forest |
| 321 Natural grassland |
| 322 Moors and heaths |
| 324 Transitional woodland scrub |
| 331 Beaches dunes sand |
| 332 Bare rocks |
| 333 Sparsely vegetated areas |
| 334 Burnt areas |
| 411 Inland marshes |
| 412 Peat bogs |
| 421 Salt Marshes |
| 423 Intertidal flats |
| 511 Stream courses |
| 512 Water bodies |
| 521 Coastal lagoons |
| 522 Estuaries |
| AeoUND - Aeolian Undifferentiated |
| AlluvMIN - Mineral alluvium |
| AlluvMRL - Marl type soils |
| AlluvUND - Alluvium undifferentiated |
| AminDW - Acid Brown Earths / Brown Podzolics |
| AminPD - Surface water Gleys / Ground water Gleys Acidic |
| AminPDPT - Peaty Gleys Acidic |
| AminSP - Surface water Gleys / Ground water Gleys Shallow |
| AminSPPT - Peaty Gleys Shallow |
| AminSRPT - Podzols Peaty |
| AminSW - Lithosols / Regosols |
| BktPt - Blanket peat |
| BminDW - Grey Brown Podzolics / Brown Earths Basic |
| BminPD - Surface water Gleys / Ground water Gleys Basic |
| BminPDPT - Peaty Gleys Basic Parent Materials Basic |
| BminSP - Surface water Gleys / Ground water Gleys Shallow |
| BminSPPT - Peaty Gleys Shallow |
| BminSRPT - Lithosols Peats |
| BminSW - Renzinas / Lithosols |
| Cut - Raised Bog cutaway/cutover |
| FenPT - Fen peat |
| Lac |
| Made |
| MarSands |
| MarSed |
| RsPt - Raised bog |
| Scree |
| Reed Swamp / Marsh |
| Water |
| A - Alluvium undifferentiated gravelly |
| Ac - Alluvium - Clayey |
| AcEsk - Acidic esker sands and gravels |
| Aeo - Aeolian sediments undifferentiated |
| Ag - Alluvium undifferentiated sandy |
| Asi - Alluvium undifferentiated clayey |
| BasEsk - Basic esker sands and gravels |
| BktPt - Blanket peat |
| Cut - Cutover peat |
| FenPt - Fen Peat |
| GBi - Basic igneous sands and gravels |
| GCh - Chert sands and gravels |
| GCSsS - Sandstone and shale sands and gravels Cambrian Precambrian |
| GDCSs - Sandstone sands and gravels Devonian Carboniferous |
| GDSs - Sandstone sands and gravels Devonian" |
| GGr - Granite sands and gravels |
| GLPDSs - Sandstone sands and gravels Lower Palaeozoic |
| GLPS - Shale sands and gravels Lower Palaeozoic Devonian |
| GLPSs - Sandstone sands and gravels Lower Palaeozoic |
| GLPSsS - Sandstone and shale sands and gravels Lower Palaeozoic |
| GLs - Limestone sands and gravels Carboniferous |
| GMp - Metamorphic sands and gravels |
| GNSSs - Shales and sandstone sands and gravels Namurian |
| GQz - Quartzite sands and gravels |
| IrSTAv - Acid volcanic till with matrix of Irish Sea Basin origin |
| IrSTCSsS - Sandstone and shale till Cambrian Precambrian |
| IrSTLPSsS - Sandstone and shale till Lower Palaeozoic |
| IrSTDSs - Sandstone and shale till (Devonian) with matrix of Irish Sea Basin origin |
| IrSTLs - Limestone till Carboniferous |
| KaRck - Karstified limestone bedrock at surface |
| KaRrck - Karstified limestone bedrock at surface |
| L - Lake sediments undifferentiated |
| Lc - Lake sediments clayey |
| Ls - Lake sediments sandy |
| Lsi - Lake sediments silty |
| Made ground |
| Marsh |
| Mbs - Beach sands |
| Mc - Marine Clays |
| Mesc - Estuarine sediments (silts/clays) |
| MGs - Raised beach sands and gravels |
| Mrl - Marl shell |
| Msi - Marine silts |
| Rck - Bedrock at surface |
| RsPt - Raised Bog |
| Scree |
| TAv - Acid volcanic till |
| TBi - Basic igneous till |
| TCh - Chert till |
| TCSsCh - Chert and Carboniferous sandstone till |
| TCSsS - Sandstone and shale till Cambrian/Precambrian |
| TDCSs - Sandstone till Devonian/Carboniferous |
| TDCSsS - Sandstone and shales till Devonian/Carboniferous |
| TdlMr - Tidal Marsh |
| TDSs - Sandstone till Devonian |
| TGr - Granite till |
| TLPDSs - Sandstone till Lower PAlaeozoic/Devonian |
| TLPS - Shale till Lower PAlaeozoic |
| TLPSs - Sandstone till Lower PAlaeozoic |
| TLPSsS - Sandstone and shales till Devonian/Carboniferous |
| TLs - Limestone till Carboniferous |
| TMp - Metamorphic till |
| TNCSSs |
| TNSSs |
| TQz - Quartzite till |
| Water |
| Ws - Blown sand |
| Wsd - Blown sand in dunes |